Innovative power solutions enabling the electrification transformation
Learn how Vicor’s innovative power solutions are enabling the electrification transformation in this eBook that showcases numerous examples
Bi-directional converter shrinks battery array to one cell for portable x-rays
Different vehicle voltages is accommodated by one solution for digital video recorders
A third more power in just 20% of the space for vehicle GPS applications
Wireless charging delivers next generation productivity for robotics and UAVs
High voltage bus converters significantly reduce installation costs for outdoor stadium lighting
Reliable operation in a tough environment for ore prospecting instrumentation
Fire alarm control unit uses DC‑DC supply and battery backup while increasing functionality
Scientific instrumentation gets twice the power without impacting the size of the equipment
Power solution operates in extreme temperatures for LEDs to display brighter lights, longer
Bi-directional converter shrinks battery array to one cell for portable x-rays
Handling a variety of user-defined output power requirements for medical carts
Industrial welding laser speed and accuracy improves using factorized power architecture
High efficiency converters help maximize run-time for autonomous warehouse robots
Wireless charging delivers next generation productivity for robotics and UAVs
Automated test equipment’s speed and throughput improves with factorized power architecture
Innovative power solutions enabling the electrification transformation
Learn how Vicor’s innovative power solutions are enabling the electrification transformation in this eBook that showcases numerous examples
Asia Power Technology Development Forum
Building more efficient renewable power applications with power modules
Power Electronics Technology Seminar 2023
Learn how Vicor power modules are scalable and thermally adept to support a wide portfolio of power
IT Media 2023 online
Vicor shared innovative, highly efficient ways to design power delivery networks that leverage high density power modules