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Vicor Quality Policy 2

We are committed to provide customers with superior products and services that meet or exceed their expectations and are delivered on time. We strive to advance our technology and continually improve our products, processes and services by reviewing performance metrics, implementing appropriate actions and empowering our employees.




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Conflict Minerals Policy

Vicor Corporation’s goal is to maintain the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior in the conduct of our business.

We also seek to comply fully with laws and regulations affecting the conduct of our business. Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act require us to make reasonable efforts to determine and document the origin of certain metals used in our products. The intent of the provisions is to inhibit and restrict the demand for “Conflict Minerals” (i.e., gold, tantalum, tin, tungsten and cobalt, as well as their ores) sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo or the adjoining central African countries of Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, thereby reducing financial support for the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the region. Vicor is fully committed to the effort to exclude from its products any Conflict Minerals, the purchase of which might indirectly benefit insurgents, armed groups, and others engaged in the abuse of human rights.

Having confirmed the use of the subject metals in our products, we have established a process by which we are documenting our supply chain and identifying vendors of the subject metals. With these vendors, we will seek to identify the country and mine of origin for the subject metals we use. If we conclude we have used “Conflict Minerals”, we must undertake further evaluation of the origin of the specific metals to determine their specific source (i.e., whether the metals were sourced from a mine, smelter, or refiner not participating in an approved conflict-free certification program).

We are collaborating closely with parties in our supply chain, with the objective of developing and implementing a robust process by which Vicor maintains “DRC Conflict Free” status. We require all parties in our Supplier Base to be DRC Conflict Free, to source only from conflict-free areas and to utilize smelters certified DRC Conflict Free under the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process. We also are supporting our customers’ efforts to reach the common goal of a socially and environmentally responsible supply chain.

Environmental Safety and Health

Vicor Corporation is committed to its employees, customers, and the communities that host its facilities, to conduct its business with respect, care and commitment to continuous improvement. Vicor believes that sound environmental, health, and safety practices are essential to an efficient operation. Additionally, Vicor has a strong performance record with jgyprespect to its Environment, Safety and Health programs and performance.

Energy Conservation

Vicor Corporation has actively implemented various energy conservation projects that have resulted in annual savings of over 6,000,000 Kilowatt hours and has implemented more than 30 projects over the last 15 years. Five projects undertaken in 2014 and 2015 saved an estimated 500,000 kWh.

Scope 1 + 2 GHGs

Starting in 2015, Vicor reported its greenhouse gas emissions to the CDP. By continuing to undertake energy conservation projects as noted above, the goal is to use energy more efficiently and potentially reduce energy consumption while allowing the business to seek growth opportunities.

Waste Management and Recycling

Vicor has an active waste management and recycling program. Over 440,000 pounds (220 tons) of material was recycled in 2015; 22 tons of which was diverted from the waste stream. Recycled materials include items such as cardboard and paper, scrap metal, scrap materials and equipment, production waste, hazardous waste, etc.

Contact quality support

Rich Paulauskas

Vice President of Quality

Edward C. Fink, Jr.

Sr. Environmental Compliance Engineer

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