播客 From Pikes Peak to Bonneville Salt Flats, Lightning Motorcycles electric bike outpaces the combustion engine motorcycles Lightning Motorcycles engineered an all electric bike excels in every category. See how Vicor power modules support this next-gen bike
文章 Tesla commits to 48-Volt automotive electrics 48V is soon to be the new 12V according to Tesla. Size and weight reduction and enhanced power efficiency are a few of the benefits.
影片 Greg Green 談“下一代電動汽車技術革新”行業見解 EETimes 主辦了一場關於“下一代電動汽車技術革新”的專題討論會。瞭解 Vicor 的 Greg Green 對於使用電源模組的看法
文章 Vicor 工程師 Chris Swartz 入選電力電子工程師協會高級會員 Chris Swartz 榮獲 IEEE 高級會員稱號。這是只有 10% 的會員才能擁有的精英地位。Chris 在 Vicor 任職 15 年
活動 Vicor 將在慕尼黑舉行的汽車高壓電源系統大會上介紹如何利用 48V 電源加速 xEV 設計 Vicor 在慕尼黑汽車高壓電源系統大會上發表演講。瞭解高密度電源模組如何利用 48V 電源加速 xEV 設計
文章 Patrizio Vinciarelli 創立 Vicor,解决電源轉換難題 40 多年來,Patrizio Vinciarelli 一直是電源電子領域的創新者。如今,他正在應對這個時代最緊迫的電源挑戰
案例研究 自主安防機器人以超人的靈敏度及探測能力進行巡邏 公共安全的風險正在上升,機器人提供的更好的監視和攔截就是答案。瞭解 Knightscope 公司選擇 Vicor 電源模組為安防機器人供電的原因
文章 OLogic 與 Vicor 助力 Dusty Robotics 優化建築機器人電源 OLogic 與 Vicor 合作優化 Dusty Robotics FieldPrinter 的電源和系統功能
播客 Dragonfly 公司的新型懸停系留無人機如何突破海上通訊限制? DPI UAV 的系留式無人機將通訊天線提升至 500 多英尺高,將海上通訊線路從 8 英里新增到近 30 英里,提升至 3 倍之多
影片 Rob Russell 分享他對近地軌道與中地軌道衛星部署的行業未來見解 Rob Russell 在 Microwave Journal 與 Pat Hindle 討論近地軌道與中地軌道衛星市場趨勢
文章 Vicor 功率密集型電源模組轉換 VoltServer 數字電力 與以太網供電相同,Digital Electricity™ 可使用低成本、現成的數據電纜在長距離(長達 2km)內安全地傳輸高達 2kW 的電力。
eBook Advancing mobile robotics with modular power delivery networks Guide to developing better PDNs to meet the needs of today’s robotics systems
工具, 影片 電源系統設計工具: 快速簡便地配置完整、高效率、緊湊、多項輸出的電源系統 Designing your power system and/or choosing the right module is as easy as entering your input and output power and your basic system requirements
夥伴播客 Vicor 爲移動機器人及無人機下一代無線充電的強勁電源需求提供有力支持 The next generation of robotic productivity replies on power dense modules to support autonomous, wireless charging
白皮書 高密度、模块化供电网络优化移动机器人性能 Fixed-ratio and high-efficiency buck and buck-boost converters enable more range, duration and payload
文章 採用模組化電源迎接高功率航天航太與國防應用的挑戰 The Aerospace and Defense markets continue to demand size and weight reduction of their power systems while simultaneously requiring more power
文章 國防與航天航太:爲具有尺寸、重量及功耗限制的前沿技術提供強勁動力 Standardizing MILCOTS for VPX. Explore how Vicor is exceeds today's need for rugged power supplies that deliver the power while being optimized for size and weight
影片 將 400V 轉換爲 SELV 系統電源 Ian Mazsa sits down with EE Journal to discuss best practices and benefits of using high voltage power
研討會重播 繫留無人機電源匹配 Discover new techniques using real-world applications to develop system architecture and select power components to fulfill conversion needs
文章 當今的汽車需要更大的電源和更輕的重量 Read how Vicor is addressing the need and demand for smaller, lighter vehicles to achieve lower CO2 emissions
白皮書 BCM 將高壓電池轉化至 SELV 系統 Eliminate intermediate energy storage in EV power architectures. Read this Vicor white paper on BCM Selve systems
文章 航空產業的環保電源系統 The airline industry is undergoing an evolution of aircraft electrification, to analyze the cost/performance benefits of electric-powered aviation
白皮書 提高 48V 配電性能 Traditional power delivery networks (PDNs) are under tremendous pressure to deliver higher performance
研討會重播 避免常見的AC-DC設計缺陷 This webinar focuses on AC-DC front-end considerations, inrush current considerations, requirements of PFC, and passive and active PFC
夥伴播客 如何在汽車電源系統設計中做出重要利弊權衡 Electric vehicles can use up to 20X more electrical power than a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle
文章 消除電動汽車供電架構的中間儲能 Vicor fixed ratio converters transform high-voltage batteries into 48V and 12V SELV systems
文章 高密度 DC-DC 轉換器提供 22A 的電流,可爲 MIL-COTS 提供 Sn/Pb BGA 選項 Vicor has added a Pb-inclusive version of its 3V-ouput buck controllers for MIL-COTS applications
文章 Vicor 電源模組爲電動汽車提供充電、供電和轉換支持 Power delivery to the various loads in the vehicle is changing from 12 to 48V as a means of reducing vehicle weight
影片 收割、搬運和配送機器人的最高效供電 Learn how Vicor delivers high power with efficiency and reduced weight for various robots
影片 用更小、更輕的電源模組加速汽車電氣化 Learn how to overcome hurdles with fast charging, converting high voltage and bridging 12V and 48V applications
夥伴播客 PSDcast – 機器人和無人機產品的自主無線充電將重塑自動化生產的未來 How to build and power autonomous wireless charging for robots or battery at any station, enabling the maximum up time
夥伴播客 分佈式電源架構在汽車市場有何優勢? Decentralized power is a phenomenon that's starting to hit the automotive sector
白皮書 以 48V 提升配電效能 This white paper discusses the fixed ratio, DC DC converter and why designers should consider it an essential part of the power delivery architecture
白皮書 使用 48V 分布式電源架構解決汽車電氣化難題 There are many electrification choices, but most manufacturers are opting for a 48-volt mild-hybrid system rather than a full-hybrid powertrain
影片 Mouser: DC-DC 轉換器提供優异的電源系統性能和連接性 With its high frequency zero voltage switching (ZVS) topology, DCMs consistently deliver high efficiency across their specified input line range
影片 Mouser: 高功率、零電壓開關 DC-DC 轉換器始終提供高效率 The Vicor DCM3623 family are isolated, regulated DC-DC converters, operating from an unregulated, wide range input to generate an isolated output
影片 Mouser: 新型 DC-DC 電源轉換器充分滿足最嚴格的軌道交通車載應用需求 The Vicor DCM2322 family of isolated and regulated DC-DC converters provide high efficiency and high power density for rail, defense, aerospace, and more
影片 Digi-Key: 為現代軌道系統供電 The DCM2322 is an isolated, regulated DC-DC converter enabling high-frequency, zero-voltage switching that has a low-profile design with high-density filtering
影片 Mouser: 雙向48V至12V轉換支持98%的峰值效率 The NBM2317 bridging converter for 12v and 48v systems enables cost-effective high-density and high-efficiency
影片 Mouser: 高效率負載點穩壓器 The PI3523 ZVS Switching Regulators are high-efficiency and integrate the controller, switches, amplifiers and support components in a high-density LGA system
影片 Digi-Key: DC-DC轉換器,可為創建更小、更輕、成本更低的電源系統提供所有必要的效能及特性 The DCM3623T75H53 module leverages the thermal and density benefits of Vicor ChiP packaging technology, allowing customers to achieve cost effective power solutions with previously...
影片 Digi-Key: 高性能降壓穩壓器可在不降低輸送量的情况下縮小尺寸 PI3325 ZVS buck regulators are highly integrated system-in-package regulators that integrate the controller, power switches, and support components in a 10 x 14mm LGA package
白皮書 高密度、模块化供电网络优化移动机器人性能 Factorized power is shorthand for a Factorized Power Architecture (FPA) used when high-current board-mounted power is needed
影片 迎接現代鐵路的電源挑戰 Michael Schipani sits down with Amelia Dalton, Host of Chalk Talk (EE Journal) to discuss the power challenges and trends within the rail industry
影片 Digi-Key: 將12V高效橋接至48V Bridging 12V to 48V, the Vicor NBM2317 is a non-isolated, fixed ratio, DC-DC bidirectional converter that uses a unique switching topology and packaging
白皮書 具整流調節的平均功率電源設計: 智慧型脈衝負載電源解決方案 Power averaging for configuring a system to power pulsed loads allows the designer to build a system that is small, power dense and very efficient
白皮書 一種更加簡便高效的方法讓您的 LED 運行更加明亮,壽命更持久! LED video wall technology is expensive to deploy and maintain. But better power design can improve performance, efficiency and long-term success
白皮書 設計軍用級別的快速啟動電源應用 In the field of battle milliseconds can be the difference between success and failure. Learn what it takes to design a flawless rapid-start power system
影片 為什麼電源設計要轉為 48V? To power the next generation of data centers, electric vehicles and AI-driven technologies, industries are moving to 48V power
研討會重播 為現代鐵路應用設計電源系統 This webinar explains the market pressures on engineers developing power systems for the rail industry and ways to overcome the technical challenges
研討會重播 您的電源系統沒有通過傳導EMI測試 — 現在該怎麼辦? This webinar focuses on techniques to help identify the real source for EMI test failure quickly, and how to reduce their noise spectrum
案例研究 射頻放大器的電源電壓在跳頻過程中得到很好的調節,爲便攜式無線電提供了安全的通信 Providing secure, encrypted communication to minimize espionage
工具, 白皮書 組件雙面散熱時代的散熱設計 The need for greater energy efficiency, higher output and increased density must be met despite reducing design cycle times to shorten time-to-market
工具, 白皮書 電源系統設計人員的逐步安全設計 This paper explains how power designers can use these steps to remove the stress of safety certifications for their next design
白皮書 高密度、模块化供电网络优化移动机器人性能 New AC-DC system architecture based on fixed-ratio bus converters is described and analyzed along with its benefits and trade-offs
白皮書 在並行DC-DC轉換器陣列中減少不需要的輸入拍頻 In critical applications, where power supply failure can be catastrophic, fault-tolerant power supplies use N+1 similar converters to provide a very high level of reliability
白皮書 使用 Yeaman 拓樸學進行 PFC 單一轉換線路漣波取消 The main characteristic of this topology is to separate the output voltage regulation function from the bulk power‑conversion function, as it is used in DC‑DC converters
白皮書 母線轉換器在穩壓 DC-DC 應用中的使用 FPA™ (Factorized Power Architecture™) has provided leverage in solving demanding power challenges which call for high levels of efficiency, power density and superior power handlin...
白皮書 Vicor 電源組件如何實現功率平均 As system power levels increase, many power designers are finding it difficult to stay within space and weight constraints. Designing the power system for the average power can be ...
白皮書 電力元件設計空間中的實用的電磁干擾控制 This article attempts to address the notion of control of conducted emissions in the context of applying Vicor Power Components in a customer application
研討會重播 電源設計人員無壓力電氣安全 This webinar presents a checklist of things to consider about safety when working on your next power design
白皮書 下一代汽車的動力困境 Electric, hybrid electric, driver assistance systems and infotainment are creating new power demands for automotive manufacturers
白皮書 高密度、模組化供電網路優化移動機器人性能 The top reasons for not completing designs on time include the demand for increasingly higher-performance and a lack of engineering resources and skills
白皮書 微處理機核電源中不連續導電模式ZVS 昇降壓拓撲的控制 In this paper, the authors navigate the design challenges one encounters implementing such a voltage regulation scheme that are not seen in the traditional continuous‑conduction‑mo...
白皮書 在熱計算中使用電路模型 Thermal modeling is a vital part of power system design, as exceeding the maximum internal temperature of a component can result in device failure. Additionally, operating power co...
白皮書 Vicor 電源組件的熱模型 This paper describes the circuit models that have been created for Vicor products to allow engineers to estimate the maximum internal temperature of the power component
白皮書 正弦幅度轉換器的逆向模式應用 The power electronics industry is seeing the re-emergence of DC high-voltage distribution in place of AC systems of power transmission within advanced machines and installations
影片 Gyoukou 超級電腦使用 48V 分比式電源 Watch the demonstration of Gyoukou, the ExaScaler/PEZY ZettaScaler-2.2 liquid immersion cooling supercomputer
案例研究 可擴展電源解決方案可使船舶儀表在極端環境下工作時保持高精度 Adding more and more capabilities into increasingly smaller spaces
案例研究 在車載GPS應用僅20%的空間中功率增加1/3 Vehicle GPS location systems reduce operational costs and provide control over their most remote assets
案例研究 在潛艇聲納系統中由不同平臺使用的相同空間內,更高的功率可提供更多功能 Flexible, low-noise approach for improved detection effectiveness
案例研究 更高的電源效率可在 RF 信號智能應用中實現高溫運行 High-performance dual-source architecture for signal detection and identification
案例研究 MIL-STD 電源組件可承受直升機齒輪箱振動及加速帶來的機械應力 Size, weight and high reliability must be ensured under extreme operating conditions
影片 滿足航空航太及國防產品的嚴格SWaP-C要求 Designing products for aerospace and defense exposes us to unique engineering challenges
白皮書 Spec changes top list of power designers’ challenges A Vicor survey revealed that power designers face many challenges. Learn what they are and how they can be overcome
研討會重播 滿足國防應用DC-DC電源系統需求 Topics include: meeting standards, applications and test results, reducing noise with filters, using power components optimized for defense applications
研討會重播 適用於電池應用的電源組件 This webinar explains how flexible power components shorten the design cycle, reduce cost, weight and size while increasing efficiency
影片 ExaScaler 和 PEZY Computing 推出第一台超級電腦 ExaScaler/PEZY ZettaScaler-1.8 Super Computer pushes the limits in computing performance
白皮書 電源系統組件式設計方法如何實現優化的 LED 電源系統 Engineers who are designing LED power system applications face a number of challenges to develop systems that offer advantages over competitors’ products
研討會重播 更低溫度電源系統的散熱仿真 This webinar describes the info you need from data sheets and app notes, and then shows how to make accurate thermal calculations by hand
研討會重播 最大負載:錯誤的脈衝功率規範 This webinar explains why peak power is the wrong metric and introduces a different technique – power averaging
研討會重播 使用 DC 電源變壓器實現雙向能量流 Learn about designing for bi-directional DC-DC power flow and how you can use DC power transformers to simplify power system design
影片 電源系統設計:使用Vicor電源系統設計工具節省時間 New tool enables designers to quickly and easily architect, analyze and configure complete, optimized, compact, multi-output power systems in minutes
白皮書 As electronic products have grown in complexity with highly-evolved feature sets, designers have developed sophisticated schemes for power management
白皮書 採用 DC-DC 轉換器爲大電容負載供電 Capacitance at the input of the DC-DC converter plays a vital role in keeping the converter stable and playing a role in input EMI filtering
白皮書 迴歸基礎:使用自適應環路反饋調節轉換器輸出 Adaptive loop control provides improved regulation over simple local loop control – within +/- 1%
白皮書 迴歸基礎:使用自適應環路反饋調節轉換器輸出 Adaptive loop control provides improved regulation over simple local loop control – within +/- 1%
白皮書 迴歸基礎:使用自適應環路反饋調節轉換器輸出 Adaptive loop control provides improved regulation over simple local loop control – within +/- 1%
白皮書 迴歸基礎:功率因數指什麼?爲什麼一定要校正? This white paper looks at the issues and circumstances that can lead to damaging harmonic generation, and practical approaches to reducing it
影片 如何達到歐洲鐵路應用標準 Watch how Marco explains how to meet the European railway standards EN50155 and RIA12
文章 Back to basics: zero-voltage switching – what it is and why it’s important for buck-voltage regulation
白皮書 在噪聲敏感、高瞬態應用中,通過實施有源濾波來降低負載電容 The characteristics of the DC-DC converter, the load, the electrical characteristics of the passive components and the available PCB area all present additional design constraints ...
白皮書 PI33xx: 零電壓切換在降壓調節中的應用 This unique, high-density buck regulator integrates a high-performance Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) topology along with power and support components all within a surface-mount pack...
工具, 影片 Vicor 的 PRM® 模組介紹 This video introduces Vicor's PRM Modules with user-configurable capabilities
回到基礎:理解和降低嚴重的配電耗損問題 DC-DC converters and power conversion devices play a key role in conducting electrical power from the edge of a PCB to its onboard components efficiently
影片 ZVS 降壓穩壓器介紹 Learn how the simple-to-use PI33XX Series of ZVS Buck Regulators can provide the high efficiency, high density and flexibility
工具, 影片 輸出電壓微調 This video presents the benefits of voltage trimming, i.e., creating non-standard output voltages and voltage controlled current sources
白皮書 迴歸基礎:處理高輸入瞬態問題 Protecting your system against transients is not only a fundamental part of the development, it can also become a major challenge during the design cycle
白皮書 迴歸基礎:到達 AC-DC 系統的 EMI 標準 EMI is seen as one of the key challenges of power conversion design and system integration, particularly for AC-DC systems
案例研究 在無風扇的極端溫度下,航空電子設計可透過多個電源同時工作 Triple redundancy for avionics equipment to help pilots navigate and control their airplane safely
影片 最新人工智能處理器供電需求 Learn about an innovative new approach to powering AI applications that can reduce motherboard copper and processor interconnect resistances by up to 50X